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Continued development of nanopore sequencing technologies will likely enhance the accuracy of hybrid genome assemblies and enable public health laboratories to routinely generate complete circularized bacterial genome sequences. jejuni field isolates were completed and circularized using hybrid sequencing, and a plasmid was detected in one isolate. The hybrid sequencing approach was the most useful for detecting plasmids, large genome rearrangements, and repetitive elements such as rRNA and tRNA genes. Assemblies generated only from MinION data using Canu were the least accurate, containing many indels and substitutions that affected downstream analyses. jejuni 81-176 and RM1221 genome assemblies to the PacBio reference genomes revealed that the SPAdes assemblies had the most accurate nucleotide identity, while the hybrid assemblies were the most contiguous. Hybrid genome assembly was performed using the program Unicycler.


jejuni were sequenced using MiSeq and MinION, and the sequence data were assembled using the software programs SPAdes and Canu, respectively. Two reference strains and two field isolates of C. The goal of this study was to compare Campylobacter genome assemblies generated from MiSeq and MinION data independently, as well as hybrid genome assemblies combining both data types. The MinION sequencer from Oxford Nanopore is an evolving technology that produces long-read sequencing data with low equipment cost. The bulk of bacterial genome sequencing at the US Food and Drug Administration is performed using short-read Illumina MiSeq technology, resulting in highly accurate but fragmented genomic sequences. The sequencing, assembly, and analysis of bacterial genomes is central to tracking and characterizing foodborne pathogens.

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